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创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛! 2020-09-01


Ivy school has good news again this week. In 2017, Liu Shuai, Zhang Dexuan, Zhao Qi and Yao Enpei won the TOP25% and TOP50% results in The Seal of Mathematics League United States of America.



The Seal of Mathematics League United States of America.


The Seal of Mathematics League United States of America is the most influential primary and secondary school mathematics competition in the United States and North America, and it is also a global and influential primary and secondary school mathematics competition. The first cup began in 1977. It has been held for 41 sessions, all the ranking top 100 schools in the United States participated.





Let's congratulate the four young guys,

And wish them get better results in the January rematch!

创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛! 2020-09-01
上一篇:喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单)   下一篇:开学典礼|新学期,新起点,欢迎你们热血归来!
上一篇:喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单)   下一篇:开学典礼|新学期,新起点,欢迎你们热血归来!
创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛! 2020-09-01
创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛! 2020-09-01


Ivy school has good news again this week. In 2017, Liu Shuai, Zhang Dexuan, Zhao Qi and Yao Enpei won the TOP25% and TOP50% results in The Seal of Mathematics League United States of America.



The Seal of Mathematics League United States of America.


The Seal of Mathematics League United States of America is the most influential primary and secondary school mathematics competition in the United States and North America, and it is also a global and influential primary and secondary school mathematics competition. The first cup began in 1977. It has been held for 41 sessions, all the ranking top 100 schools in the United States participated.





Let's congratulate the four young guys,

And wish them get better results in the January rematch!