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喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单) 2020-09-01

随着美国高校提前录取(ED/EA) 陆续放榜,我校不少同学已经欣喜的收到了录取通知书。截止到2018年1月3日,2018届在校学生已经有不少同学获得来自美国前20、前50、前80 院校的提前批次录取通知书。他们中有的托福成绩或SAT 成绩接近满分,有的参与科学实验并撰写过理科论文,有的高中GPA 全科成绩全年级第一,有的拿到过CCTV英语风采大赛比赛名次、美国数学大联盟比赛和加拿大滑铁卢数学比赛优胜名次,有的是小提琴首席或钢琴、大提琴获全国大赛名次,有的考了多门AP并获得5分和4分好成绩,还有的在暑假参加了美国加州伯克利大学、布朗大学或斯坦福大学夏校并修读大学带学分专业课程。当学生们收到美国大学提前批次录取信时,一定会激动不已,因为在这背后凝结了无数的付出。在接下来RD常规录取批次中,期待我校2018届学子取得丰硕成果!

    With the advance accepted of American college admission (ED/EA) have been released, students in Ivy School have received the admission notice delightly. By the end of January 3, 2018, a number of students have received early approval letters from the Top 20, the Top 50, and the Top 80 universities in the United States. 

    Some of them got the TOEFL or SAT close to full marks, some participated in scientific experiments and wrote science papers, some got high scores in GPA and reached Top1, and some have got CCTV English contest awards, American Mathematics Major League game and Canada Waterloo mathematics competition for the ranking, and some has got violin or piano, Cello by chief of the national competition ranking, some has got 5 points and 4 points in AP, as well as some participated in the summer vacation of  United States of California Berkeley University, Brown University or Stanford University summer school and enrolled in college credit courses. When students receive early approval letters from American universities, they were excited because there were countless efforts behind it. In the next regular admission batch of RD, we look forward to the fruitful results of the 2018 school students in our school.




Ivy School provides an excellent learning environment and American high school teaching for students, the school attaches great importance to the leadership, College Counselling Office and the headmaster of 12 grade make efforts to care for and support the development of each student, but the final result is hard work made by the students themselves, in the warm congratulations to you!  We hope that the students will continue to work hard in the next study, and expect more good news from you in the regular application stage.

喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单) 2020-09-01
上一篇:常青藤学校G9-G12年级期中考试家长会顺利召开   下一篇:创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛!
上一篇:常青藤学校G9-G12年级期中考试家长会顺利召开   下一篇:创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛!
喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单) 2020-09-01
喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单) 2020-09-01

随着美国高校提前录取(ED/EA) 陆续放榜,我校不少同学已经欣喜的收到了录取通知书。截止到2018年1月3日,2018届在校学生已经有不少同学获得来自美国前20、前50、前80 院校的提前批次录取通知书。他们中有的托福成绩或SAT 成绩接近满分,有的参与科学实验并撰写过理科论文,有的高中GPA 全科成绩全年级第一,有的拿到过CCTV英语风采大赛比赛名次、美国数学大联盟比赛和加拿大滑铁卢数学比赛优胜名次,有的是小提琴首席或钢琴、大提琴获全国大赛名次,有的考了多门AP并获得5分和4分好成绩,还有的在暑假参加了美国加州伯克利大学、布朗大学或斯坦福大学夏校并修读大学带学分专业课程。当学生们收到美国大学提前批次录取信时,一定会激动不已,因为在这背后凝结了无数的付出。在接下来RD常规录取批次中,期待我校2018届学子取得丰硕成果!

    With the advance accepted of American college admission (ED/EA) have been released, students in Ivy School have received the admission notice delightly. By the end of January 3, 2018, a number of students have received early approval letters from the Top 20, the Top 50, and the Top 80 universities in the United States. 

    Some of them got the TOEFL or SAT close to full marks, some participated in scientific experiments and wrote science papers, some got high scores in GPA and reached Top1, and some have got CCTV English contest awards, American Mathematics Major League game and Canada Waterloo mathematics competition for the ranking, and some has got violin or piano, Cello by chief of the national competition ranking, some has got 5 points and 4 points in AP, as well as some participated in the summer vacation of  United States of California Berkeley University, Brown University or Stanford University summer school and enrolled in college credit courses. When students receive early approval letters from American universities, they were excited because there were countless efforts behind it. In the next regular admission batch of RD, we look forward to the fruitful results of the 2018 school students in our school.




Ivy School provides an excellent learning environment and American high school teaching for students, the school attaches great importance to the leadership, College Counselling Office and the headmaster of 12 grade make efforts to care for and support the development of each student, but the final result is hard work made by the students themselves, in the warm congratulations to you!  We hope that the students will continue to work hard in the next study, and expect more good news from you in the regular application stage.