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常青藤学校G9-G12年级期中考试家长会顺利召开 2020-09-01



"Your growth, my first concern" - Under the cooperation and joint efforts of the schools and parents can make the efforts of children's growth. 

On 26th Nov. IvySchool G9-G12 grade mid-term parents' meeting was held successfully. The main topic was about the achievement of students in past days of semester with AP scores.  After the analysis, with the coordination of parents and students,teachers would give the advices of learning plans and goals, and would make joint efforts to improve AP performance and complete the corresponding education curriculum objectives!


Each student of grade G9-G12 checked in desk and received the students' school reports about the learning results.

随后各位家长来到体育馆进行家长会,由常青藤学校校长Jack Xu、Jenny Wang及各班班主任、升学指导办老师们对学生目前在校学习情况、成绩情况、生活情况、未来升学情况等诸项事宜进行了讲解。

Then all the parents came to GYM to attend parents' meeting.Ivy school principal Jack Xu, vice principal Jenny Wang and class teachers, college counselors gave speeches about the performance of students in school learning, achievements,future education and other issues.



After the meeting, teachers of various subjects met directly with students' parents. They communicated with students about their academic records, their performance in class and their performance at school directly.

       另外,此次家委会也于家长日召开,会议上家委会代表就学生就餐情况、图书馆使用情况等细节落实问题同常青藤校长Jack Xu和副校长Jenny Wang进行了探讨。

In addition, Parents' committee also held the meeting on parents' day,they discussed the details about school library and catering with president Jack Xu and vice president Jenny Wang. 


常青藤学校G9-G12年级期中考试家长会顺利召开 2020-09-01
上一篇:感谢有你!常青藤欢乐感恩节活动!   下一篇:喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单)
上一篇:感谢有你!常青藤欢乐感恩节活动!   下一篇:喜报|上海常青藤学校传来美国名校提前录取好消息(附目前美国藤校2018年提前录取名单)
常青藤学校G9-G12年级期中考试家长会顺利召开 2020-09-01
常青藤学校G9-G12年级期中考试家长会顺利召开 2020-09-01



"Your growth, my first concern" - Under the cooperation and joint efforts of the schools and parents can make the efforts of children's growth. 

On 26th Nov. IvySchool G9-G12 grade mid-term parents' meeting was held successfully. The main topic was about the achievement of students in past days of semester with AP scores.  After the analysis, with the coordination of parents and students,teachers would give the advices of learning plans and goals, and would make joint efforts to improve AP performance and complete the corresponding education curriculum objectives!


Each student of grade G9-G12 checked in desk and received the students' school reports about the learning results.

随后各位家长来到体育馆进行家长会,由常青藤学校校长Jack Xu、Jenny Wang及各班班主任、升学指导办老师们对学生目前在校学习情况、成绩情况、生活情况、未来升学情况等诸项事宜进行了讲解。

Then all the parents came to GYM to attend parents' meeting.Ivy school principal Jack Xu, vice principal Jenny Wang and class teachers, college counselors gave speeches about the performance of students in school learning, achievements,future education and other issues.



After the meeting, teachers of various subjects met directly with students' parents. They communicated with students about their academic records, their performance in class and their performance at school directly.

       另外,此次家委会也于家长日召开,会议上家委会代表就学生就餐情况、图书馆使用情况等细节落实问题同常青藤校长Jack Xu和副校长Jenny Wang进行了探讨。

In addition, Parents' committee also held the meeting on parents' day,they discussed the details about school library and catering with president Jack Xu and vice president Jenny Wang.