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开学典礼|新学期,新起点,欢迎你们热血归来! 2020-09-01
Don't waste time,
Work hard,
We are together because of our dreams.
In the new year, let us open a new chapter of life!
On February 26th, 2018, the opening ceremony of the new semester of the Ivy School was held in KangQiao campus. The teachers and students gathered in the auditorium to share the activities arrangements and notices of the new semester to the students.
开学典礼上,常青藤学校校长Jack Xu向全校师生致开学辞,并对学生们在新学期的表现寄予厚望,“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,希望同学们通过新一年的努力学习,为自身的成长积累更多的知识,“天道酬勤”,一分耕耘一分收获,通过努力取得更好的成绩。
In the opening ceremony, the Ivy school principal Jack Xu,gave the speech to the students, and hoped them would get new progress in the coming semester, "there is no royal road to size, there is no end to learning work boat. I hope the students accumulated more knowledge for their growth through hard work." God helps those who help themselves, no pains no gains, to achieve better results through your efforts.
◇常青藤学校校长Jack Xu 致辞
Principal Jack Xu Speaking at the ceremony
Subsequently, vice principal Jenny spoke for the new semester school regulations and precautions propaganda, including rules and regulations of rewards and punishment and school activities etc..
◇常青藤学校副校长Jenny Wang 发言
 Vice principal Jenny Speaking at the ceremony
Leah Hu老师向同学们介绍了新学期校历、课表以及Jupiter系统等内容。
Leah Hu introduced the new semester calendar schedule, and the Jupiter system to the students.
◇Leah Hu老师发言
Leah Hu Speaking at the ceremony
At the end of the ceremony, Ivy School awarded the best progress award, special contribution award, outstanding student leaders and honorary Student Awards to students who had outstanding performace in last semester.
Awarding ceremony
开学典礼|新学期,新起点,欢迎你们热血归来! 2020-09-01
上一篇:创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛!   下一篇:2021年常青藤学校季招生说明会开始啦!
上一篇:创新思维争第一,常青藤学校选手顺利晋级美国数学大联盟杯赛复赛!   下一篇:2021年常青藤学校季招生说明会开始啦!
开学典礼|新学期,新起点,欢迎你们热血归来! 2020-09-01
开学典礼|新学期,新起点,欢迎你们热血归来! 2020-09-01
Don't waste time,
Work hard,
We are together because of our dreams.
In the new year, let us open a new chapter of life!
On February 26th, 2018, the opening ceremony of the new semester of the Ivy School was held in KangQiao campus. The teachers and students gathered in the auditorium to share the activities arrangements and notices of the new semester to the students.
开学典礼上,常青藤学校校长Jack Xu向全校师生致开学辞,并对学生们在新学期的表现寄予厚望,“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,希望同学们通过新一年的努力学习,为自身的成长积累更多的知识,“天道酬勤”,一分耕耘一分收获,通过努力取得更好的成绩。
In the opening ceremony, the Ivy school principal Jack Xu,gave the speech to the students, and hoped them would get new progress in the coming semester, "there is no royal road to size, there is no end to learning work boat. I hope the students accumulated more knowledge for their growth through hard work." God helps those who help themselves, no pains no gains, to achieve better results through your efforts.
◇常青藤学校校长Jack Xu 致辞
Principal Jack Xu Speaking at the ceremony
Subsequently, vice principal Jenny spoke for the new semester school regulations and precautions propaganda, including rules and regulations of rewards and punishment and school activities etc..
◇常青藤学校副校长Jenny Wang 发言
 Vice principal Jenny Speaking at the ceremony
Leah Hu老师向同学们介绍了新学期校历、课表以及Jupiter系统等内容。
Leah Hu introduced the new semester calendar schedule, and the Jupiter system to the students.
◇Leah Hu老师发言
Leah Hu Speaking at the ceremony
At the end of the ceremony, Ivy School awarded the best progress award, special contribution award, outstanding student leaders and honorary Student Awards to students who had outstanding performace in last semester.
Awarding ceremony