在线报名 咨询
2017年常青藤学校秋季迪士尼乐园大巡游! 2020-09-01



After intense examination, Ivy school students had a nice journey  to Shanghai a popular tourist resort -- Disney park with a relaxed and happy mood on the autumn. All of them enjoyed the jouney very much.






<img class="img_loading" data-="" data-copyright="0" data-ratio="0.66640625" data-s="300,640" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1280" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" pagenew"="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(238, 237, 235); max-width: 100%; display: inline-block; height: auto !important; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 237, 235); background-size: 22px; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

2017年常青藤学校秋季迪士尼乐园大巡游! 2020-09-01
上一篇:社团风采 | 城市定向社——让我们和城市互动起来!   下一篇:感谢有你!常青藤欢乐感恩节活动!
上一篇:社团风采 | 城市定向社——让我们和城市互动起来!   下一篇:感谢有你!常青藤欢乐感恩节活动!
2017年常青藤学校秋季迪士尼乐园大巡游! 2020-09-01
2017年常青藤学校秋季迪士尼乐园大巡游! 2020-09-01



After intense examination, Ivy school students had a nice journey  to Shanghai a popular tourist resort -- Disney park with a relaxed and happy mood on the autumn. All of them enjoyed the jouney very much.






<img class="img_loading" data-="" data-copyright="0" data-ratio="0.66640625" data-s="300,640" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1280" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" pagenew"="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(238, 237, 235); max-width: 100%; display: inline-block; height: auto !important; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 237, 235); background-size: 22px; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">