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社团风采 | 城市定向社——让我们和城市互动起来! 2020-09-01



常青藤学校成立城市定向社的初衷是将美国真人秀节目The Amazing Race的活动引入学生的日常生活中,为探索爱好者提供一个刺激的比赛平台。我们想把出行依赖着出租车与私家车的学生族解放,为终日刷新手机页面的学生提供一种新鲜的“出去浪”的方式,走出家门,与我们的城市——上海发生互动。


IvySchool founded the city Orienteering Club's original intention is to introduce the American reality show The Amazing Race activities into the daily lives of students, to provide a stimulating competition platform for explorers. We want more students to choose Public transport instead of liberation of taxis and private cars, and provide a fresh  way for students who always indulge in mobile phones, and go out of the house and interact with our city, Shanghai.

In urban Orienteering activities, you can run with your friends and help each other. You may ask strangers for directions, or you may accomplish countless “first time“ in your life, and approach to a whole new world.




Extraordinary Cooperation


A deeper understanding of Shanghai


More meaningful leisure time






We had our first Orienteering campaign on Tuesday. The students designed routes and tasks in the agency last week, two forty yesterday afternoon, all three teams take the bus to Zhoupu Wanda Plaza.


What's the mission?


Bingo!Taken pictures with strangers!


There's lot of difficults in our tasks,such as embarrassed to speak with strangers?


Students from Team3 got the way to opening the conversation:Where can I buy a bottle of water?



It‘s always refused to take pictures with men?


That's OK.  Let's go to the women,the old,or the kids;


Lost in the Plaza?


Don't worry, asked somebody and taken a picture together.


Otherwise, we should be Thankful to Photographer DengYi,though he‘s not in picture.


In the whole process, the students shown their social skills, team cooperation ability in public places, as well as the coordination ability to deal with emergencies, so that students are more confident to interact with others in interpersonal communication.


<img class="img_loading" data-="" data-copyright="0" data-ratio="0.35149572649572647" data-s="300,640" data-type="png" data-w="936" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" pagenew"="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(238, 237, 235); max-width: 100%; display: inline-block; height: 165.203px !important; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 237, 235); background-size: 22px; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; box-sizing: border-box !important; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">

社团风采 | 城市定向社——让我们和城市互动起来! 2020-09-01
上一篇:常青藤ACG艺术实践活动:Stencil我的风格,我做主   下一篇:2017年常青藤学校秋季迪士尼乐园大巡游!
上一篇:常青藤ACG艺术实践活动:Stencil我的风格,我做主   下一篇:2017年常青藤学校秋季迪士尼乐园大巡游!
社团风采 | 城市定向社——让我们和城市互动起来! 2020-09-01
社团风采 | 城市定向社——让我们和城市互动起来! 2020-09-01



常青藤学校成立城市定向社的初衷是将美国真人秀节目The Amazing Race的活动引入学生的日常生活中,为探索爱好者提供一个刺激的比赛平台。我们想把出行依赖着出租车与私家车的学生族解放,为终日刷新手机页面的学生提供一种新鲜的“出去浪”的方式,走出家门,与我们的城市——上海发生互动。


IvySchool founded the city Orienteering Club's original intention is to introduce the American reality show The Amazing Race activities into the daily lives of students, to provide a stimulating competition platform for explorers. We want more students to choose Public transport instead of liberation of taxis and private cars, and provide a fresh  way for students who always indulge in mobile phones, and go out of the house and interact with our city, Shanghai.

In urban Orienteering activities, you can run with your friends and help each other. You may ask strangers for directions, or you may accomplish countless “first time“ in your life, and approach to a whole new world.




Extraordinary Cooperation


A deeper understanding of Shanghai


More meaningful leisure time






We had our first Orienteering campaign on Tuesday. The students designed routes and tasks in the agency last week, two forty yesterday afternoon, all three teams take the bus to Zhoupu Wanda Plaza.


What's the mission?


Bingo!Taken pictures with strangers!


There's lot of difficults in our tasks,such as embarrassed to speak with strangers?


Students from Team3 got the way to opening the conversation:Where can I buy a bottle of water?



It‘s always refused to take pictures with men?


That's OK.  Let's go to the women,the old,or the kids;


Lost in the Plaza?


Don't worry, asked somebody and taken a picture together.


Otherwise, we should be Thankful to Photographer DengYi,though he‘s not in picture.


In the whole process, the students shown their social skills, team cooperation ability in public places, as well as the coordination ability to deal with emergencies, so that students are more confident to interact with others in interpersonal communication.


<img class="img_loading" data-="" data-copyright="0" data-ratio="0.35149572649572647" data-s="300,640" data-type="png" data-w="936" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" pagenew"="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(238, 237, 235); max-width: 100%; display: inline-block; height: 165.203px !important; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(238, 237, 235); background-size: 22px; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; box-sizing: border-box !important; overflow-wrap: break-word !important;">