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燃!常青藤学校热力运动会,风华尽少年(Sports Day) 2020-09-01
Under the joint efforts of the teachers and students of Ivy School, the 2017 Autumn Sports Game was held at Pudong campus in November 3rd. Many events such as basketball, badminton, football, relay race, frisbee toss and rugby were held on the spot. All the students from G9-G12 show their youth through the games, adhere to the purpose of "friendship first, competition second", and carry forward the sports spirit of Ivy School.
▲运动会日程(Sports Day Schedule)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲羽毛球比赛(Badminton Contest)
▲羽毛球比赛(Badminton Contest)
▲接力赛(Relay Race)
▲接力赛(Relay Race)
▲接力赛(Relay Race)
▲足球赛(Soccer Ball Kick Contest)
▲足球赛(Soccer Ball Kick Contest)
     Games from 8:30 until 2:30 , all the students were actively struggling, struggling to forge ahead. The atmosphere there was fantastic. Under the carefully organization by teachers, the students played the initiative in the competition, and showed the high qualities in cooperation, willpower, strength, speed, and agility physical.  After the game, each team won its own Awards.
▲获奖同学之一(One of the winners)
燃!常青藤学校热力运动会,风华尽少年(Sports Day) 2020-09-01
上一篇:2017常青藤夏令营学生创意作品展——植物造型类   下一篇:常青藤ACG艺术实践活动:Stencil我的风格,我做主
上一篇:2017常青藤夏令营学生创意作品展——植物造型类   下一篇:常青藤ACG艺术实践活动:Stencil我的风格,我做主
燃!常青藤学校热力运动会,风华尽少年(Sports Day) 2020-09-01
燃!常青藤学校热力运动会,风华尽少年(Sports Day) 2020-09-01
Under the joint efforts of the teachers and students of Ivy School, the 2017 Autumn Sports Game was held at Pudong campus in November 3rd. Many events such as basketball, badminton, football, relay race, frisbee toss and rugby were held on the spot. All the students from G9-G12 show their youth through the games, adhere to the purpose of "friendship first, competition second", and carry forward the sports spirit of Ivy School.
▲运动会日程(Sports Day Schedule)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲投篮比赛(Basketball contest)
▲羽毛球比赛(Badminton Contest)
▲羽毛球比赛(Badminton Contest)
▲接力赛(Relay Race)
▲接力赛(Relay Race)
▲接力赛(Relay Race)
▲足球赛(Soccer Ball Kick Contest)
▲足球赛(Soccer Ball Kick Contest)
     Games from 8:30 until 2:30 , all the students were actively struggling, struggling to forge ahead. The atmosphere there was fantastic. Under the carefully organization by teachers, the students played the initiative in the competition, and showed the high qualities in cooperation, willpower, strength, speed, and agility physical.  After the game, each team won its own Awards.
▲获奖同学之一(One of the winners)