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【运动会】2016年上海常青藤学校校园运动会 2020-09-01
挥洒汗水  活力青春

    2016上海常青藤学校秋季运动会在星期五上午,体育馆里开始。第一个比赛是拔河比赛,同学们一起努力为班级荣誉战斗。两队人在总决赛碰面,分别是10a 和11a。 最终的冠军被10a 拿走。




    然后是万众瞩目的篮球比赛, 蓝队对抗红队。他们双方都打出了侵略性。上半场结束, 蓝队以微小的优势领先。下半场比赛依旧难解难分,双方依旧保持着良好的状态。终场前十秒双方打平,但是蓝队成功投进了绝杀球赢得了比赛。


The Sports Day began in the stadium on Friday morning with the Tug-of-War competition.  Boys and girls strived together not only for their own glory, but also for the honor of their classes. Two groups of gladiators met on the finals, who were the worriers from 10A and 11A, and the championship finally went into 10A's.  The following was Badminton match,many students took their part in the match,they might not get a price,but they definetely enjoyed the time competing with their oponents. The last game in the morning was the expected basketball game. The Greens against The Reds. Both sides showed aggressiveness  on ofensive and they also worked hard on defense,at the end of the first half,The Greens took the lead of The Reds with narrow advantages. At the second half,they still kept their best states on game,it was hard to tell who's the winner.  They tied at 10 seconds before the wistle,but The Greens made the last shot and they overed The Reds with 17 to 15.



    与此同时足球比赛也在举行。白队和蓝队进行足球对决。个人秀永远不是足球的主题,赢球的关键是团队合作。这个精神在比赛中体现。最终白队以5-0 获胜。



The football match was hold on the pitch in the afternoon. Both side showed high motivation on the play. The football game is always not one-man show,its key to victory is team work. this spirit had been fully showed throughout the entire game. Finally The Whites got the game with 5 to 0 over The Blues.
The sports day ended in the Friday afternoon. Some students gained the price that they wished, some didn't. But the spirit of Sports is not about to win, is about a healthy attitude to life. Hopefully students can keep their faith of chasing for the championship as they did in the competition, also in their whole lifetime.

【运动会】2016年上海常青藤学校校园运动会 2020-09-01
上一篇:【感恩节】2016年上海常青藤学校Thanksgiving Day活动晚宴   下一篇:【开学典礼】上海常青藤学校2016-2017学年开学典礼隆重举行
上一篇:【感恩节】2016年上海常青藤学校Thanksgiving Day活动晚宴   下一篇:【开学典礼】上海常青藤学校2016-2017学年开学典礼隆重举行
【运动会】2016年上海常青藤学校校园运动会 2020-09-01
【运动会】2016年上海常青藤学校校园运动会 2020-09-01
挥洒汗水  活力青春

    2016上海常青藤学校秋季运动会在星期五上午,体育馆里开始。第一个比赛是拔河比赛,同学们一起努力为班级荣誉战斗。两队人在总决赛碰面,分别是10a 和11a。 最终的冠军被10a 拿走。




    然后是万众瞩目的篮球比赛, 蓝队对抗红队。他们双方都打出了侵略性。上半场结束, 蓝队以微小的优势领先。下半场比赛依旧难解难分,双方依旧保持着良好的状态。终场前十秒双方打平,但是蓝队成功投进了绝杀球赢得了比赛。


The Sports Day began in the stadium on Friday morning with the Tug-of-War competition.  Boys and girls strived together not only for their own glory, but also for the honor of their classes. Two groups of gladiators met on the finals, who were the worriers from 10A and 11A, and the championship finally went into 10A's.  The following was Badminton match,many students took their part in the match,they might not get a price,but they definetely enjoyed the time competing with their oponents. The last game in the morning was the expected basketball game. The Greens against The Reds. Both sides showed aggressiveness  on ofensive and they also worked hard on defense,at the end of the first half,The Greens took the lead of The Reds with narrow advantages. At the second half,they still kept their best states on game,it was hard to tell who's the winner.  They tied at 10 seconds before the wistle,but The Greens made the last shot and they overed The Reds with 17 to 15.



    与此同时足球比赛也在举行。白队和蓝队进行足球对决。个人秀永远不是足球的主题,赢球的关键是团队合作。这个精神在比赛中体现。最终白队以5-0 获胜。



The football match was hold on the pitch in the afternoon. Both side showed high motivation on the play. The football game is always not one-man show,its key to victory is team work. this spirit had been fully showed throughout the entire game. Finally The Whites got the game with 5 to 0 over The Blues.
The sports day ended in the Friday afternoon. Some students gained the price that they wished, some didn't. But the spirit of Sports is not about to win, is about a healthy attitude to life. Hopefully students can keep their faith of chasing for the championship as they did in the competition, also in their whole lifetime.