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全人教育的核心在于我们深信“超越课堂教育”(Education Beyond the Classroom)的力量。在培养全面发展的人之前,首先就要求我们的每一位教师都是“全人”,他们以身作则,以专业的素养、高尚的品格、进取的精神,为学生们树立良好的榜样,在充分理解每一位学生的基础上不断激励他们,以获得在学业、身心、社交、志趣等方面的持续进步。当然,学生们将不仅仅从成年人的身上学习宝贵的品质,更将向身边的同龄人学习、在团队中成长,这是一种完整的教育教学体验,在耳濡目染之中,促进常青藤学子的全方位成长。


Shanghai Ivy School has inherited the tradition of the British and American elite schools and established five colleges. Each college is composed of students of different grades. Freshmen are assigned to their respective colleges after admission. The captain management model is implemented within the college system. Through the election of college cadres, each college has a captain and vice-captain to jointly manage the college. The school has college points, which are accumulated in units of the school year and cleared at the end of the school year. Students take the college as a unit to participate in various activities and competitions, and strive for honors for their respective colleges. When students receive punishments in their daily behaviors, they will also be reflected in the college points. Adopting the college system is not only a kind of inheritance of elite culture, but also an innovative attempt to "bring new students with old students", which helps cultivate students' leadership and discover leadership characteristics. At the same time, it can strengthen the students' sense of collective honor and improve the awareness of teamwork. The core of whole-person education lies in our deep belief in the power of "Education Beyond the Classroom". Before cultivating well-rounded people, we first require each of our teachers to be "whole people." They lead by example, set a good example for students with professionalism, noble character, and enterprising spirit. On the basis of understanding each student, we will continue to motivate them to obtain continuous progress in academic, physical and mental, social, and aspirations. Of course, students will not only learn valuable qualities from adults, but also learn from their peers around them and grow up in a team. This is a complete educational and teaching experience that will promote the development of Ivy students. All-round growth.

In the classroom, transdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative and inquiry-based learning methods continue to strengthen students' independence, teamwork, and practical problem-solving abilities; as an important supplement to academic disciplines, Ivy extended courses, outdoor development, and practical activities With opportunities, it creates opportunities for every student to deal with various new challenges in reality. In the process, they will learn to communicate and cooperate with others, analyze problems from diversified perspectives, cultivate a pioneering and innovative spirit, and develop Independence, self-esteem, self-confidence, perseverance and other important character traits. Through the rich challenges and opportunities and all-round exercise both inside and outside the classroom, the Ivy school will fully develop the Ivy students, will clearly know their own school and life goals, and build a complete and personalized learning and development path for themselves, using excellent comprehensive abilities Literacy responds to all kinds of unexpected problems and the ever-changing future world. Only students with such abilities can find the direction and excellence of their life-long interests, and have the confidence to "respond to ever-changing changes in a highly uncertain, volatile and challenging future world."

每个House都有自己的House名称、颜色、属性和吉祥物。House内都有9-12年级四个年级的行政班学生。新生入学时,会根据其学术成绩、特长能力、 男女比例等平均分配到各个House中。除了学术课程以外,学生的课后活动、住宿生活、运动比赛等,都会以House为单位进行开展。House就像一个大家庭,是学生和老师心灵的归属。

Each house has its own house name, color, attributes and mascot. There are four administrative class students from grades 9-12 in the house. When freshmen enter the school, they will be evenly allocated to each house based on their academic performance, special skills, and gender ratio. In addition to academic courses, students' after-school activities, residential life, sports competitions, etc. will be carried out in the house. House is like a big family, it is the spiritual belonging of students and teachers.

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