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Extracurricular activities

In addition to busy academic courses, Ivy students can also benefit a lot from a variety of extracurricular activities. Various activities include student clubs, art practice, sports competitions, exchange programs at home and abroad, volunteer services and guest lectures. These activities add more color and meaning to students' high school campus life.

● 上海常青藤学校有丰富的体育课程,让学生有大量的机会可以参与体育活动及其他学校活动。学生可以参与选拔进入竞技性很高的运动队,如男、女篮球队,男、女足球队,男、女羽毛球队,越野长跑/田径队,极限飞盘队,男、女排球队,以及美式足球队。运动队每周进行1-2次训练,有机会与上海的其他国际学校进行比赛。

Shanghai Ivy School has a wealth of physical education courses, giving students plenty of opportunities to participate in sports activities and other school activities. Students can participate in the selection to enter highly competitive sports teams, such as men's and women's basketball teams, men's and women's football teams, men's and women's badminton teams, cross-country running/track and field teams, ultimate frisbee teams, men's and women's volleyball teams, and American football team. The sports team trains 1-2 times a week and has the opportunity to compete with other international schools in Shanghai.




physical education

Ivy not only pays attention to the cultivation of students' academic ability, but also attaches great importance to the cultivation of personal qualities such as leadership, teamwork, perseverance, and open mind. These important skills will be developed and cultivated in sports. International scientists have confirmed that children engaged in sports are healthier, stronger and more likely to succeed in school. The world's leading universities all agree with the importance of sports. Therefore, a rich exercise curriculum is essential. Students participate in sports activities every day, and will have the opportunity to participate in sports courses offered by less schools, such as rugby, fencing, equestrianism, golf, hockey, rowing and other sports. Excellent sports teachers and coaches will be hired. Including professional athletes and even members of the national team, to provide students with professional sports courses to improve students' sports quality and professionalism.




Art, abstract or concrete, are all ways human beings perceive the world or express themselves. In the Ivy students enjoy 15 years of continuous art education and embark on an exciting journey in the vast world of painting, design, photography, multimedia art, etc. Exploring the vast world of art, but also discovering their own talents, giving students the wings of freedom to help them fly freely in the high sky of painting, engineering, architecture, and design in the future. The art course is a compulsory course in school teaching, not a minor subject. It cultivates students' creativity, coordination, patience and perseverance. The school often organizes art exhibitions to showcase the works created by students in the school. Students who are interested in art will have the opportunity to choose art as a course of IGCSE and A-Level learning in the middle school stage to give full play to their interests and expertise. Our campus is equipped with well-equipped art classrooms and studios, providing an ideal creative environment for art students, and laying a solid foundation for future art studies and careers.




Music, one of the oldest languages used by human beings to express themselves, is a powerful transformational power of people in the process of intellectual, social and spiritual growth. Ivy provides students with systematic and structured music education from kindergarten to high school, singing, composing, etc. Courses and club activities such as musical instrument performance and music production enhance musical literacy and at the same time be more courageous and adaptable. The world's top universities are very respectful of music. Ivy provides professional and rigorous music courses, including music theory, music appreciation, arrangement and composition, vocal music, and emperor tutoring extracurricular courses for more than ten kinds of instruments to cultivate students' music appreciation and related skills. All Ivy students, whether they are studying music or not, will have the opportunity to participate in performances by famous musicians and performers, as well as perform musical performances on campus. In addition, students who participate in choirs and learn musical instruments can often participate in off-campus performances and competitions, so they have multiple opportunities to exercise their performance and performance skills.  



We encourage students to read classic plays, perceive the infinite charm of the plot, study performance skills, experience changes in emotions, create complete scripts, and understand the all-encompassing production behind the scenes, expressiveness, creativity, imagination, empathy, collaboration, etc. All these transferable qualities and abilities are the confidence that the Ivy leaves students to participate in theatrical performances, because this can not only improve their performance skills, enhance their writing, director and stage management abilities, but also improve their self-confidence. And cultivate communication, social interaction, self-discipline and leadership skills, as well as flexibility, creativity and teamwork skills. The school has professional supporting facilities to ensure that students can fully develop their interests and hobbies in drama and performing arts in order to explore their potential. The school has a 600-seat theater with complete functions and high-level configuration. It is also equipped with multiple rehearsal rooms, professional music classrooms and band practice rooms.


国际排名领先的大学不仅要求学生学业成绩优异,而且要展示出批判性思维、创造力、原创性、团队合作意识、解决问题的能力、独立性和敬业精神。学术课程以外的课外活动有助于促进这些重要技能的发展。  常青藤的全人教育的基础就是我们相信“超越课堂”学习的力量。课外活动为学生创造了各种机会去面对新的挑战,与不同的人合作,培养独立性,增强自尊、自信。作为对学术类学科必不可少的补充,除了音乐、戏剧、艺术和运动课程外,作为对正常学术类科目的补充,学校有种类繁多的运动项目和课外活动课供学生们选择。在休闲娱乐的环境氛围中,通过从事这些课外活动,学生们对学术科目也提高了兴趣,加深了理解度。 



Internationally ranked universities not only require excellent academic performance, but also demonstrate critical thinking, creativity, originality, teamwork awareness, problem-solving skills, independence and professionalism. Extracurricular activities outside of academic courses can help promote the development of these important skills.

The foundation of Ivy holistic education is our belief in the power of "beyond the classroom" learning. Extracurricular activities create various opportunities for students to face new challenges, cooperate with different people, cultivate independence, and enhance self-esteem and self-confidence. As an indispensable supplement to academic subjects, in addition to music, drama, art and sports courses, as a supplement to normal academic subjects, the school has a wide range of sports and extracurricular activities for students to choose from. In an environment of leisure and entertainment, through these extracurricular activities, students have also increased their interest in academic subjects and deepened their understanding.

The content of the super course is novel, rich and challenging. In addition to music, drama and sports, students also have the opportunity to participate in the internationally renowned Duke of Edinburgh’s Adventure Tour, Model United Nations Conference, Math Competition and World Scholars Cup. The school provides students with many opportunities for academic and cultural development including digital art, TEDx, robotics, school newspapers, photography and dance.

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award is dedicated to helping young people develop the skills needed for life, and enjoys an international reputation. Every student has the opportunity to participate in the training of this award to further cultivate the child's all-round ability. We believe that these extracurricular development experiences are very beneficial to students' university applications and even future job interviews. More importantly, these "super courses" have triggered and inspired the development of students' personality and personality, allowing them to calmly face the ever-changing future.

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