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常青藤学校在行政班的基础上,遵循学校理念及价值观,设置了五个具有代表意义的House学院,通过House实现对学生、班级跨年级的纵向管理。分别 为爱因斯坦学院(Einstein House),摩根斯坦利学院(Morgan Stanley House), 蔡元培学院(Cai yuanpei House)、达芬奇学院(Da Vinci House)、诺贝尔学院(Nobel House)。以 追求培养乐于创新,充满活力的年轻人的目标,让学生在各自的学院中找到自身定位与价值,通过不同种类,丰富多彩的校园活动让各个学院的同学们 互利互补,共同进步,实现全方位成长。学生们在校期间任何方面的表现都会为自己的学院加分或减分,为自己争取勋章等荣誉的同时,也会直接影响 到自己学院在校园的排位等,增强校园文化归属感以及个人综合素养.

On the basis of the administrative class, the Ivy school follows the school's philosophy and values, and sets up five representative House academies, through which the vertical management of students and classes across grades is realized. They are Einstein House, Morgan Stanley House, Cai yuanpei House, Da Vinci House, and Nobel House. In pursuit of the goal of cultivating innovative and energetic young people, students can find their own position and value in their respective colleges. Through different types and colorful campus activities, students of each college can benefit and complement each other, make progress together, and realize the whole world.

Directional growth. Students’ performance in any aspect during the school period will add or deduct points for their college, and while they will win medals and other honors for themselves, they will also directly affect their college’s ranking on campus, and enhance the sense of belonging and personal campus culture.

每个House都有自己的House名称、颜色、属性和吉祥物。House内都有1-12年级的行政班学生。新生入学时,会根据其学术成绩、特长能力、 男女比例等平均分配到各个House中。除了学术课程以外,学生的课后活动、住宿生活、运动比赛等,都会以House为单位进行开展。House就像一个大 家庭,是学生和老师心灵的归属。

Each house has its own house name, color, attributes and mascot. There are administrative students in grades 1-12 in the house. When freshmen enter the school, they will be evenly allocated to each house based on their academic performance, special skills, and gender ratio. In addition to academic courses, students' after-school activities, residential life, sports competitions, etc. will be carried out in the house. House is like a big family, it is the spiritual home of students and teachers.


上海常青藤学校心理辅导室,目的为提升G9-G12学生住宿适应、自我认识、潜能开发、问题预防与解决能力,依据国外中西校园心理健康概 念,引进心理卫生三级预防制度,并往适合不同国情的学生,适当调整辅导模式,藉以营造健康、幸福的校园学习环境,让孩子发挥个人最大成长潜能 ,培养成熟与健全的人格,有效因应与面对未来出国留学之挑战。

The psychological counseling room of Shanghai Ivy school aims to improve the accommodation adaptability, self-awareness, potential development, problem prevention and resolution of G9-G12 students. According to the mental health concepts of Chinese and Western campuses abroad, the three-level mental health prevention system is introduced to suit different national conditions. Students should appropriately adjust the tutoring model to create a healthy and happy campus learning environment, so that children can maximize their personal growth potential, cultivate mature and healthy personality, and effectively respond to and face the challenges of studying abroad in the future.

  • 上海常青藤学院(融合高中)


  • 上海常青藤学校(幼儿园&小学)


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