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We often hear that college students have a lot of career planning, and high school students mainly focus on planning for further studies. However, the Shanghai Ivy School Guidance Department found that a well-positioned future career development plan can better plan the path to career progression. In addition, career planning can not only help students have a reasonable plan for their careers, but also find a way for students with entrepreneurial aspirations to realize their potential and improve their entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities. Therefore, the Promotion Department of Shanghai Ivy School specially formulated a career plan based on the professional career design process for students to carry out corresponding career planning and design after the professional career evaluation.






(1)Who am I?(我是谁?):面对自己,真实地写出每一个想到的答案,并按重要性排序,比如自己的专业、家庭情况、年龄、性别、性格、动手能力、思考能力等等。

(2)What will I do?(我想做什么?):可以从小时候回忆,将自己喜欢做的事情写下来。

(3)What can I do?(我会做什么?):可以把自己有能力做的,还有通过潜能开发能够做的事写下来。

(4)What does the situation allow me to do?(环境支持或允许我做什么?):将自己所处的家庭、单位、学校、社会关系等各种环境因素考虑进去。

(5)What is the plan of my career and life?(我的职业与生活规划是什么?)

The specific steps of career design are summarized:

Recognize yourself

To choose a career, you must first know yourself, understand your personality, temperament, abilities, interests, and specialties, give yourself appropriate recognition and positioning, figure out what is suitable for doing and what you can do, so as to determine the general direction and scope of choice. Secondly, you must be clear about professional values, that is, determine what you value most in your career. Through work, is it to make money, or hope to have a good development space, or accumulate experience and skills for future long-term development? Only after clarifying the phased goals and value orientation, will there be a relatively clear job search direction and goal. Only by clarifying one's own criteria for choosing a career can we avoid blindness in choosing a career.

W analysis method:

(1) Who am I? (Who am I?): Facing yourself, write down every answer you think of, and rank them in order of importance, such as your major, family situation, age, gender, personality, practical ability, thinking ability, etc.

(2) What will I do? (What do I want to do?): I can remember from my childhood and write down what I like to do.

(3) What can I do? (What will I do?): You can write down what you can do and what you can do through potential development.

(4) What does the situation allow me to do? (What can I do with environmental support or permission?): Take into consideration various environmental factors such as my family, work unit, school, and social relations.

(5) What is the plan of my career and life? (What is my career and life plan?)










Interpretation of career

Conduct an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the occupation you want to pursue, and understand the professional training, ability, age, personality characteristics and other requirements of the occupation, the nature of the occupation, working environment, welfare treatment, development space and employment competition opportunities. In addition, we must start from the industry development status, advantages and disadvantages, development prospects, etc., and think rationally and comprehensively.

Accurate positioning

Establish a clear career positioning and formulate a student career plan.

Lock target

After passing the first three steps, you need to establish your career goals according to your own characteristics and realistic conditions. That is to say, after successfully finding a career position, you need to carefully sort out your past extracurricular studies or internships for high school students or the work direction of your family. On this basis, your employment scope can be locked, such as in which industry and what position At the same time, one's own abilities will be displayed and played to the maximum and smoothest.

set a strategy

After confirming the scope of employment, you also need to develop an actionable long-term goal plan for yourself. At this time, the corresponding advancement plan needs to be matched.

The Shanghai Ivy Guidance Department mainly starts with assisting high school students to recognize themselves, and completes the exploration and establishment of corresponding career planning through professional career tests.

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