在线报名 咨询


时间 内容安排
08:10—09:40 课程
09:40—10:00 点心时间
10:00—11:30 课程
11:30—13:30 午餐时间
13:30—15:00 课程
15:00—15:20 茶歇
15:20—16:50 社团活动(每周一、周三)
16:50—18:00 晚餐时间
18:00—20:30 晚自修(寄宿学生)


走读制Day School 寄宿制 Boarding School
学校早晚校车直达 专职生活老师管理
家长每日督促学业 学科教师每晚自习
早晚餐家庭悉心照顾 全天洗浴卫生间
家庭教育更多参与 自助洗衣机烘干机

全寄宿制 7*24小时全天全时的成长体验


With the establishment of the holistic care system, teachers and teachers can often participate in and witness the growth of students in more diversified dimensions, and "make suggestions" on students' academic development, ability improvement, and character education. Under the protection of high-level hardware facilities, boarding education further expands the experience of "whole-person education" to full-time and full-time. In this school, each dormitory building is a college, and each college has a dean and several tutors. They live with the students of the college and also serve as subject teaching staff or extracurricular activity coaches. They work closely with each other and work together. Pay attention to the healthy growth of students, supervise students' academic progress and the development of social skills. The tutors will get along with the students day and night and try their best to understand each student's situation, including schoolwork, preferences, sports, social interactions, friends and various problems encountered in life during this "shared living" process. In addition to learning, the instructor will observe the children's nature, discover their specialties, and encourage them to develop in the direction they are good at or gifted.


In schools that provide boarding education, students spend much longer in the school than students in traditional day schools. Taking high school as an example, the school starts at 8 o’clock in the morning and ends at 10 o’clock in the evening. The arrangements are full, even including weekends. Under this premise, each student will have sufficient time to have in-depth "contact" with their favorite academic courses, interests, club activities, and even professional competitions. With the development of time management habits and the improvement of their ability, 24 hours can often be used to produce 48-hour effects.


当然,对于孩子们来说,寄宿制生活的好处绝不仅仅局限在个人能力提升。在寄宿生活中,学生与师长同学在朝夕相处中结下的情谊经常会伴随一生,师生之间的关系亦师亦友,即便在多年以后,师生之间也能保持着默契的联系;同学之间缔结的友谊亦能成为真挚的校友情谊,化为受益终生的财富。正是因为有了如此深厚的感情基础,即使孩子们毕业离开,进入大学,也仍会与学校保持联系,为学弟学妹及学校的未来发展作出力所能及的贡献。从集体中学习,在集体里成长,之后再回馈集体,形成一个良性循环,这就是所谓“学习共同体”(Learning Community)的概念,也正是学院导师制的寄宿教育想要让孩子们学会的。

In this kind of "7*24 hours" boarding life, students will develop the abilities and qualities of independence, self-discipline, social interaction, and time management that are extremely important for personal growth and future development. They will eventually learn how to interact with their peers and Adults get along with each other in a friendly way and cooperate to solve problems. This is not only for them to enter higher education institutions around the world in the future, but also for them to develop their own careers and happy lives, and grow into responsible and responsible citizens of the world. .

Of course, for children, the benefits of boarding life are by no means limited to the improvement of personal abilities. In boarding life, the friendship formed between students and teachers and classmates during the day and night will often accompany their lives. The relationship between teachers and students is also a teacher and a friend. Even after many years, teachers and students can maintain a tacit connection; classmates; The friendship established between them can also become a sincere alumni friendship and turn into lifelong wealth. It is precisely because of such a deep emotional foundation that even if the children leave after graduation and enter the university, they will still keep in touch with the school and make contributions to the future development of the school and the school as much as possible. Learn from the group, grow in the group, and then give back to the group to form a virtuous circle. This is the concept of the so-called "Learning Community", which is exactly what the boarding education of the college tutorial system wants children to learn .


  • 上海常青藤学院(融合高中)


  • 上海常青藤学校(幼儿园&小学)


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