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Our students remain at the center of all that we do——as teachers, tutors, coaches, and Housemasters and Housemistresses, we guide our students in every aspect of school life including their academic study, music, sports, drama and community life.



At IVY School, we believe that taking part in sports is a fantastic way to strengthen the body and the mind together. Our outstanding sports provision includes both individual and team activities to help children achieve personal growth. Physical education and sports not only support health and well-being, but are also important in developing resilience, team spirit and leadership, and teaching students about fair competition and respect for their opponents, whether they win or lose.



Art, abstract or concrete, is one way that enables human beings to perceive the world and express themselves. At IVY School, children enjoy a full K-12 Art education program. We aim to develop a broad and exciting set of experiences including Art, Design, Design Technology and Photography. Students will have the opportunity to explore all of these areas and discover where their strengths and talents lie. This program can prepare them for later specialization in the worlds of art, engineering, architecture and design.



Music is one of the earliest forms of expression. It is a powerful transforming force in the process of people's intellectual, social and spiritual growth. IVY School provide students with systematic and structured music education from kindergarten to Sixth Form, including singing, composition, performance, music production and other courses and community activities. It provides children with rich performance opportunities, as well as developing their courage and adaptability.



At IVY School, children read both classic and modern play scripts; they study performance skills and experience the full emotional intensity of drama; they write scripts and learn the skills and logistics involved in theatre production. Expression, creativity, imagination, empathy, collaboration——all these transferable qualities and abilities are the foundation of our drama program.


IVY的教与学从不拘泥课本,囿于校园。这样的理念也延续至一系列意趣盎然的超级课程。 在丰富多样的课外延展课程与社会实践活动的基础之上,IVY的海外研学、名校交流、世界级赛事等优质资源,包括国际知名的“爱丁堡公爵奖”探险之旅、模拟联合国会议、数学竞赛及世界学者杯等,还有登山、潜水和徒步旅行等探险活动,由校内到校外,发挥“超越课堂学习”的力量,为学生构建起个性化教育体验与成长路径。 学习从来没有边界,这一切的合力都是塑造“全人”的相互作用。无论是徜徉于各类艺术瑰宝之中,还是行走于各式旷野地貌之间,沉浸式学习,带来的是理论与实际的双重结合。赏心悦目之时,学生在老师的指点下已然完成了对知识的更新储备,亦是对自身良好品性的雕刻磨练,由此得来的精神滋养弥足珍贵。

Super outdoor course

IVY School firmly believe in Holistic Education, which sees all learning as vitally important and caters to every child's interests and needs. Teaching extends far beyond textbooks and the classroom.

We aim to provide high-quality activities including the internationally renowned 'DoE Outdoor Expedition' program, the virtual United Nations Conference, overseas trips and exchanges with prestigious universities, world-class competitions such as Mathematics competitions and the World Scholars Cup, as well as adventurous activities such as mountaineering, diving and hiking. Learning has no boundaries and can take place both inside and outside the classroom, while visiting monuments and great buildings or exploring the natural world. Different experiences of learning all contribute to that mysterious and essential quality: character.

  • 上海常青藤学院(融合高中)


  • 上海常青藤学校(幼儿园&小学)


  • 上海常青藤托育园


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