在线报名 咨询


常青藤在过去的十余年发展过程中,一直秉持"结合传统与现代、融会中国与西方"之使命,并以培育既具专精知识又有处世智能的人才为办学宗旨。在社会各界的支持以及教职员、研究者、行政人员、校友、学生的共同努力下,集团已发展成为集学前教育、基础教育、高等教育一贯制民办学校,融合课程部双轨制双通道已成为亮丽风景线,本校特色包括产教融合、灵活学分制、学院制、中英双语和多元升学,并特设博雅全人教育 ,在致力于推行专业教育和发展学术的同时,注重培育德才兼备并符合科技与经济全球化所需的高质素人才。我们的教育者深信:学校不仅仅是传授专业知识和培养专业技能的地方,更是一个启迪思想、洁净心灵、传承优秀文化和人文精神的圣殿。 现今,全球科技发展迅速,面对挑战与机遇,我们将继续推行学术治校、追求卓越、立足本地区、放眼全世界的发展策略,面向全球广纳人才,构建国际化及多学科背景的高质素教研团队,致力于打破学校围墙,突破教育界与产业界的界限,提供优质教育,深化跨学科和创新性科学研究,开展全球“常青藤”姐妹学校间教学和研究合作领域,营建百花齐放的学术氛围和多元文化并蓄的校园文化,促进知识转移,强化社会服务。

Jason Wu 吴洁


Principal's speech

In the past ten years of development, the Ivy has been adhering to the mission of "combining tradition and modernity, and integrating China and the West", and its mission is to cultivate talents with expertise and intelligence. With the support of all sectors of society and the joint efforts of faculty, researchers, administrators, alumni, and students, the group has developed into a private school integrating pre-school education, basic education, and higher education. The integration of dual-track dual-channel systems in high schools has become a beautiful landscape , The school’s characteristics include integration of production and education, flexible credit system, college system, bilingualism in Chinese and English, and diversified advancement. It also has a liberal arts education that is dedicated to the promotion of professional education and academic development. At the same time, it focuses on cultivating both morality and talent and in line with science and technology. And high-quality talents required by economic globalization. Our educators are convinced that: the school is not only a place to impart professional knowledge and cultivate professional skills, but also a temple for enlightening ideas, purifying the soul, and inheriting excellent culture and humanistic spirit. Nowadays, global science and technology are developing rapidly. In the face of challenges and opportunities, we will continue to implement the development strategy of academic governance, pursuit of excellence, based in the region, and global vision, recruiting talents from all over the world, and building a high degree of internationalization and multi-disciplinary background. The quality teaching and research team is committed to breaking the school fence, breaking the boundaries between education and industry, providing high-quality education, deepening interdisciplinary and innovative scientific research, developing the field of teaching and research cooperation between sister schools of the "Ivy" worldwide, and building a hundred flowers An academic atmosphere and a multicultural campus culture promote knowledge transfer and strengthen social services.

Jason Wu

Founder of Ivy School



  • 上海常青藤学院(融合高中)


  • 上海常青藤学校(幼儿园&小学)


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