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Advantage 1

This is a bi-student / bi-certificate school.

Registered as a Chinese and a foreign double high school, our program awards students with a Chinese and foreign double diploma. That is, students will study the courses deemed compulsory by the national curriculum, and also the science, and integrated bilingual courses that prepare students for international college entrance examinations. Students are therefore said to be enrolled in a dual-track system, which prepares them for the domestic college entrance examination and for the international college entrance examination at the same time.



Advantage 2

The Second set of advantages to studying at this school revolve around the school’s certification (IB/A-Level/ AP certification), and its hierarchical teaching methods. Classroom teaching is customized and cultivated according to the students’ interests.



Advantage 3

Students are able to access and benefit from the dual channel system, which allows them to take domestic college entrance examinations and foreign exams at the same time. This dual channel system also enables our school to get information regarding courses taught at other high schools from 160 countries. 11,000 colleges and universities both in China and worldwide, participate in this dual system.



Advantage 4 Senior principals lead Chinese and foreign elites

The senior principals have studied Chinese and Western, both Chinese and foreign teachers graduated from the world's top 100 schools, teaching supervision, academic guidance, career planning, etc., to ensure the quality of teaching.



Advantage 5 Focus on high-employment majors, internships in Fortune 500 companies Focusing on superior majors that are in strong social demand and suitable for personalized career development, such as STEM/health medicine/education media/art music/finan technology, etc., the campus in Zhangjiang Science City guarantees high employment rates, high salaries, high benefits and internships in Fortune 500 companies aisle.



Advantage 6 Freely switch the school system and campus, one-stop hosting for graduation Free choice of high school, university undergraduate "N+N" study mode, and alliance universities in Europe, America, Australia, Singapore and other global campuses, global offices for guidance, overseas academic supervision, life arrangements, work visa green card one-stop custody.



Advantages: 7 pairs of mentor House family management, holistic education An immersive bilingual environment, subject tutors, class teachers/advancement guidance tutors House family companionship management, boarding holistic education.



Advantage 8 Closed international campus environment, exclusive scholarship Build an international campus environment in accordance with international standards, close and strictly manage the cultivation of elites, various security, life, learning, clubs, interests, academic and career planning guidance, etc., and enjoy exclusive China and the world scholarships from the Ivy Foundation of University of Science and Technology.

  • 上海常青藤学院(融合高中)


  • 上海常青藤学校(幼儿园&小学)


  • 上海常青藤托育园


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